Developing autonomous
driving systems
We are technology enthusiasts. We are developing an autonomous system which will drive the transportation of the future. By constantly extending functionality, we are preparing the autonomy for deployment under more and more new conditions.
Our technology at SAE level 4 enables autonomous driving on routes defined beforehand. Implemented on Blees BB-1, the developed system effectively spots obstacles and passers-by. It also changes the speed according to the circumstances. Lidars, cameras, radars, GNSS and IMU receptors, that the vehicle is equipped with, provide precise response in various light and weather conditions
The autonomous drive is carried out on a prototype of a real vehicle that will ultimately transport passengers. It is designed according to automotive rules, built for autonomy therefore giving us the opportunity to improve our autonomy system on a daily basis under test conditions.
Our system undergoes tests on a real vehicle that is designed and adapted for developing autonomous technologies. We test various sensors, perform data fusion and get the machine to drive autonomously.
Before the vehicle can drive itself, it needs to be equipped with senses so that is sees what is going on around it and knows where it is located. The elements enabling these senses are localization and mapping, together often referred to as SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping). Our team has developed a simulation environment allowing us to test different algorithms and data analysis techniques so that we can safely prepare for the next step, i.e. real-world testing on a research platform that is also a real microbus.
How did it all start? Check out our vision as explained by the company founder, Jarosław Czaja.